It’s been 2 years in the making, but it’s finally here…sort of. Our court reporting documentary, For the Record, is still being edited, but the first trailer is complete! You can check it out below!
There are many different stories to tell in For the Record, so trying to squeeze them all into one trailer just didn’t make much sense. So for this first trailer, we decided to focus on the Guinness contest to win the title of Fastest Court Reporting in the World! And although we focus on Mark Kislingbury, Dee Boenau and Stan Sakai in the trailer, Kathryn Thomas, Kathy Cortopassi and Diane Kraynak worked their fingers off to go for the record of 400 words per minute. Did they make it? You’ll have to wait for the movie to find out!
It was so much fun speaking to the court reporters, captioners and CART providers – sensing their passion for the occupation – hearing about their love for the steno machine. That’s something we explore in the documentary – that connection between writers and their machines – that love/hate relationship that those outside the community can’t always understand.
For the Record – The Next Steps
As for where this documentary will go once it’s complete, I’m not sure exactly sure at this moment. But I know I want the final step of For the Record to be in every library of every high school. High school students need to know about this career opportunity.
And finally, I want to mention the sponsors. Without them, there is no movie. So make sure to visit their websites and let them know their contributions were worth it!
LiveDeposition – Deposition streaming done right
Infinity Steno Machines – Steno machines for the next generation…today.
RealLegal – Complete resources for court reporters.
SimplySteno – The smart alternative to court reporting schools.
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